Data classes 💪🏼

Data classes 💪🏼

Classes are blueprints of objects that contain methods and data (attributes).

Bare-bone classes don't provide a lot of useful functionality for data-oriented classes. From Python 3.7, we have a dataclass module.

Here are some powerful features of Data classes:

  • built-in init (quickly fill an object with data)

  • easy ways to print, compare & order data

# regular python class
class Person:
    def __init__(self, name, surname, age): = name
        self.surname = surname
        self.age = age
# 2 objects of same init args 
p1 = Person(Suraj, Pandiaraj, 29)
p2 = Person(Suraj, Pandiaraj, 29)

id(p1) # 449539696
id(p2) # 439884857
p1 # <__main__.Person object at 0x1002939>
p1 == p2 # False

1️⃣ Data classes will make things easier for us to see what's in the object as seen below.

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Person:
    name: str
    surname: str
    age: int
p1 = Person(Suraj, Pandiaraj, 29)
p2 = Person(Suraj, Pandiaraj, 29)

id(p1) # 449539696
id(p2) # 439884857
p1 # Person(name='Suraj', surname='Pandiaraj', age=29)
p1 == p2 # True

2️⃣ We can also set order=True to compare 2 objects:

from dataclasses import dataclass, field

class Person:
    sort_index: int = field(init=False, repr=False)
    name: str
    surname: str
    age: int

    def __post_init__(self): # called after init
        self.sort_index = self.age
p1 = Person(Suraj, Pandiaraj, 29)
p2 = Person(Nabil, Goat, 27)

p1 > p2 # True

3️⃣ Default values in data classes:

from dataclasses import dataclass, field

class Person:
    sort_index: int = field(init=False, repr=False)
    name: str
    surname: str
    age: int
    strength: int = 100

    def __post_init__(self): 
        self.sort_index = self.age
p1 = Person(Suraj, Pandiaraj, 29)
p2 = Person(Nabil, Goat, 27, 89)

p1 # Person(name='Suraj', surname='Pandiaraj', age=29, strength=100)
p2 # Person(name='Nabil', surname='Goat', age=27, strength=89)

4️⃣ Freezing with data classes (read-only objects):

from dataclasses import dataclass, field

@dataclass(order=True, frozen=True)
class Person:
    sort_index: int = field(init=False, repr=False)
    name: str
    surname: str
    age: int
    strength: int = 100

    def __post_init__(self): 
        object.__setattr__(self, 'sort_index', self.age)

5️⃣ Print out data nicely with data classes:

from dataclasses import dataclass, field

class Person:
    sort_index: int = field(init=False, repr=False)
    name: str
    surname: str
    age: int
    strength: int = 100

    def __post_init__(self): 
        self.sort_index = self.age

    def __str__(self):
        return f'{}, {self.surname} ({self.age})'
p2 = Person(Nabil, Goat, 27, 89)

p2 # Nabil, Goat (27)

In a nutshell, Dataclasses allow us to quickly create objects that is data-intensive in an easy way.